A Poem: Winter Is A Strange Season


Winter is a strange season

One man’s winter is spring

To another

Winter begins every year

It ends every next

Sometimes it is cold and short

Snowy, stormy, hyperborean

Other times it is not quite so

It drags on and long

Till Armageddon

Winter starts on different dates

Nov 7 or 8

More or less

Sonnet or later

14 days after Frost’s Descent

That’s for sure

It’s the law of solar terms

No one can break the law of nature

Everyone is mortal

Frost descents quite often

Early morning

Deep in the woods

If you gaze up

Nothing can be seen

Too many trees

Too thick branches

Too much foliage

Too thin the atmosphere

Out of all animals’ reach

Winter befalls

Early next month

That I am sure

Prepare your thick jacket

mink, down-filled, overcoat,

Made of animals’ skin and fur

body and blood

Some winters are warm

Some freezing numb

Winter is a strange season

Even if every piece of snowflake looks alike

No one can step into the same winter


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考拉不渴An avid reader, lousy writer, world traveler, peace and freedom lover. 住在大西洋岸邊的未成名英文俳句詩人、讀書家、自由夢想家。
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Koala Haiku
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