【長片】The Theology of Marxism





The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 64

Most people think of Marxism as an economic theory or, perhaps, a social theory. This isn’t sufficient. Marxism, strange as it may sound, is a theology, the basis for a religion. This isn’t to say that Marxism or Communism is like a religion. It is to say that it literally is a religion. The basis of the Marxian theology is work, or, as they tend to have it, the work. You must do the work. The work is the basis of the Marxian theology in the same way that submission is the basis of Islam and atonement by grace through the sacrifice of Jesus as Christ is the basis of Christianity. In this groundbreaking episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay dives into the Marxian literature, including the writings of Karl Marx himself, to show that Marxism should be thought of as a theology by clarifying how this theology works. Understanding the theological nature of Marxism will, in turn, shed considerable light on the theological nature of Wokeness. Join James for this intense, in-depth discussion.

大多數人認為馬克思主義是一種經濟理論,或許是一種社會理論,這還不夠。馬克思主義,雖然聽起來很奇怪,是一種神學,是一種宗教的基礎。這並不是說馬克思主義或共產主義就像一種宗教,它實際上就是一種宗教。馬克思主義神學的基礎是工作(work),或按照他們的說法,工作(the work)(前面多了the怎麼翻…),你必須進行這工作。這部著作是馬克思主義神學的基礎,就像順從是伊斯蘭教的基礎,以及透過耶穌的犧牲所帶來的恩典贖罪是基督教的基礎一樣。在New Discourses播客的這一集中,James Lindsay深入研究了馬克思主義文獻,包括卡爾·馬克思(Karl Marx)本人的著作,透過闡明馬克思主義神學的運作方式,表明馬克思主義應該被視為一種神學。反過來說,理解馬克思主義的神學本質將大大闡明覺醒文化的神學本質。來與 James 一起進行激烈、深入的討論。






(略過前面一段簡介critical pedagogy=批判教育學的內容,基本上是在解釋為甚麼這一集是談馬克思主義作為神學)



我從來沒有解釋過為甚麼我認為馬克思主義最好以神學(theology)角度而非社會理論或經濟理論來理解它,當然共產主義(工人對資本家那個)可作為社會/經濟理論來被理解,但馬克思主義是一種通往社會主義或共產主義或兩者俱有的具體途徑,過去我已表明過它是一種scientistic gnositicism(科學主義的靈知派,好難譯),這種認識非我原創,Eric Voegelin應該是在有提出這種認識的人中最著名的,我會郎讀他的著作《Science, Politics, and Gnosticism》的一小部分,一本短小及難讀但對認識馬克思及馬克思主義作為scientistic narcissism(科學主義的自戀)地去理解很重要,在New Discourses上有一份論文就是有關這方面的有空去看看(連結看下面)




前現代時期(pre-modern era),即宗教權威(religious magisteria)統治思想的時代在馬克思那個年代(1840年代)開始完結,而即將來到或已來到的是後啟蒙運動,講求理性(reason),還有經驗主義(empiricism)與實用主義(pragmastism)之類,然後馬克思主義來到,以黑格爾辯證法信仰(Hegelian dialectical faith)及Jean-Jacques Rousseau的反理性、感傷主義、主觀主義觀點(Roussian anti-reason, sentimentalist, subjectivist view)作為基礎,當這些與靈知派結合起來,便會產生一個極度主觀主義的宗教而subject(主體)會成為宗教觀點的中心,實際上在此宗教中主體會成為外在世界的創造者,如果沒有理解這一觀點及馬克思如何把這觀點放到一個以Man(人?)為中心、現代主義風格的宗教那就等於沒有理解馬克思主義,之後我會郎讀馬克思的《Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts》的部分內容,此書是在《共產黨宣言》發表的四年前寫的

開始朗讀《Science, Politics, and Gnosticism


在朗讀《Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts》之前我先朗讀《Science, Politics, and Gnosticism》,順便一提Eric Voegelin將馬克思與靈知派及黑格爾(Hegel)連結起來,第16頁開始:「馬克思是一個speculative gnostic(思辨靈知派教徒)」,speculative是指他用了hegelian speculative method(黑格爾派思辨法?)雖然不是只有黑格爾派才會用,speculative意指speculum,一個意指鏡(mirror)的拉丁詞,對黑格爾來說這是指「去了解這個世界如何運作」是一個speculative process(思辨過程?),即是先觀察這世上發生的事情然後坐下來沉思(sit in reflective contemplation)並imagine seeing them reflected in the perfect realm of ideas(想像看到它們反映在完美的思想領域中)(Pika: 這句我翻完都看不明),所有裡面有很多platonism(柏拉圖主義)或柏拉圖哲學,這個reflection(映射/反射)的概念是了解馬克思主義此一神學的關鍵



較困難的部分是了解對馬克思來說,神學與其說是對神(god)的研究不如說是對「人」(man)的研究,你需要先了解從Roussian及浪漫主義(romanticism)衍生出來的subjective perspective(主觀視角?看上面主觀主義),以及「man as creator(人作為創造者)」取代了「god as creator(神作為創造者)」,當你明白後便能理解後面的「creative capacity being essentially infinite(創造力本質上是無限的)and in a sense absolute(並且在某種意義上是絕對的)」以及「man takes on the characteristics of god(人具有神的特徵)」



(有"包住的應該是Voegelin引用《Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts》,我沒原書實在分不清哪些有引號哪些沒有)

讓我們回到Voegelin著作朗讀更多內容:(接上面speculative gnostic)「He construes the order of being as a process of nature complete in itself(他將存在秩序解釋為一個本身完整的自然過程)」「Nature is in a state of becoming and in the course of its development has brought forth man(自然處於生成狀態(正在變成某東西,好難解釋),在其發展過程中創造了人類)」「"Man is directly a being of nature"(人直接是自然的存在,這個翻不準)」「Now in the development of nature a special role has developed upon man(現在,在自然的發展中,人類發揮了特殊的作用)」 「That being which is itself nature also stands over against nature and assists in its development by human labor which in its highest form is technology and industry based on the natural sciences(那個存在(人類)本身也是自然(的一部分?)同時也與大自然對抗,並透過人類勞動協助自然的發展,其最高形式是基於自然科學的技術和工業)」「"Nature as it develops in human history as it develops through industry is true anthropological nature"(自然在人類歷史中隨著工業的發展而發展,這是真正的人類學自然)」「In the process of creating nature however man at the same time also creates himself to the fullness of his being(然而,在創造自然的過程中,人同時也創造了自己,使自己的存在更加充實)」「therefore "all of the so-called world history is nothing but the production of man by human labor"(因此,“一切所謂的世界歷史不過是人類勞動的產物”)」,以上這些是了解馬克思哲學的關鍵,了解它是一種以「以為中心的科學(原文是science我沒翻錯)」取代「以為中心的科學」即「人成為了創造者」,labor或者work(兩個都算是勞動吧)在馬克思主義處於一個非常神聖的地位,勞動是創造了一切歷史並在那過程中創造了「人」(man),透過勞動創造了自己所以勞動是神聖的,這造就之後「勞動階級是神聖的弱勢群體」的概念,馬克思視勞動為神學戒律(theological commandment)和良心義務(a duty of conscience

回到Voegelin著作:「the purpose of this speculation is to shut off the process of being from transcendent being and have man create himself(此推測的目的是從存在/生命的過程中隔絕超常存在,並讓人類創造自己)」「this is accomplished by playing with equivocations in which nature is now all-inclusive being now nature as opposed to man and now the nature of man in the sense of ascentia(這是透過玩弄含糊其辭的方式來實現的,自然一時是包容一切的存在,一時是與人相對的自然,一時是人的本質(關於ascentia我只找到carm.org/dictionary/...,我沒足夠理解就不翻譯應該不太影響閱讀))」「this equivocate word reaches its climax and a sentence that can be easily overlooked(這個模稜兩可的字達到了高潮,並有一句很容易被忽略的句子)」「"a being that does not have its nature outside of itself is not a natural being"(一個沒有把本質放到自身之外的存在體就不是一個自然的存在體)」「"it does not participate in the being of nature"(它不參與自然的存在(這句的being好難譯,或者本身意思就難懂))」「in connection with this speculation Marx himself now brings up the question of what objection the "Particular" "Individual"(這裡的"Particular" "Individual"都是馬克思字詞,詳看www.marxists.org/glo...www.marxists.org/glo...would probably have to the idea of spontaneous generation of nature and man(與此推測相關,馬克思本人現在提出了這樣一個問題:「Particular(馬克思字詞懶得翻譯)」「Individual(又馬克思字詞)」可能會對自然和人類自發生成的觀念有什麼反對意見?)」「"The being of itself of nature and man is inconceivable to him because it contradicts all the tangible aspects of practical life"(自然和人的存在本身對他來說是不可想像的,因為它與現實生活的所有有形面相矛盾)」「The "individual man" will going back from generation to generation in search of his origin raised the question of creation of the first man(“個體人” 將一代又一代地追尋他的起源,提出了第一個人的創造問題)」「He will introduce the argument of infinite regress which in Ionian philosophy led to the problem of origin(他將介紹無限回歸的論證,該論證在愛奧尼亞哲學中導致了起源問題)」「To such questions prompted by the tangible experience that man does not exist of himself, Marx chooses to reply that they are "a product of abstraction"(對於這些由人並非自身存在的有形經驗所引發的問題,馬克思選擇回答說,它們是“抽象的產物”)」「"When you inquire about the creation of nature and man you abstract from nature and man"(“當你探究自然和人類的創造時,你就從自然和人類中抽象化了”)」「Nature and man are only real as Marx construes them in his speculation(自然和人只有在馬克思的思辨中解釋時才是真實的)」「Should his questioner pose the possibility of their non-existence and Marx could not prove that they exist, in reality his constructs would collapse with this question(如果他的提問者提出它們不存在的可能性並且馬克思無法證明它們存在,在現實中他的構想會因這個問題而崩潰)」「And how does Marx get out of the predicament, he instructs questioner "give up your abstraction and you will give up your question along with it"(而馬克思如何擺脫困境,他指示提問者“放棄你的抽象,你就會隨之放棄你的問題”)」「If the questioner were consistent as Marx, he would have to think of himself as not existing even while in the very act of questioning he is(如果提問者與馬克思一樣一致,那麼他就不得不認為自己不存在,即使他正在提問此行為證明他存在)」「Hence again the instruction "do not think do not question me"(因此他再次指示“不要思考,不要質疑我”)」「"Individual man" however is not obliged to be taken in by Marx's syllogism and think of himself as non-existing because he is aware of the fact that he does not exist of himself(然而,“個體人”不必被馬克思的三段論所接受,認為自己是不存在的,因為他知道自己並非獨立存在(最後一句實在不知道怎譯,看不懂請略過))」「Indeed Marx concedes this very point without whoever choosing to go into it(事實上,馬克思承認了這一點,即使在沒有人願意深入探討這一點的情況下)」「Instead he breaks off the debate by declaring that "for socialist man" that is for the man who has accepted Marx's construct of the process of being in history, such a question "becomes a practical impossibility"(相反,他中斷了爭論,宣稱「對於社會主義人」來說,即對於那些接受了馬克思對歷史存在過程的構想的人來說,這樣一個問題「實際上變得不可能」)」「The questions of the "individual man" are cut off by the ukase of the speculator who will not permit his construct to be disturbed("個體人"的問題被思辨者的要求所切斷,思辨者不允許他的構想受到干擾)」「When "socialist man" speaks, man has to be silent(當「社會主義人」說話時,(個體/普通)人必須保持沉默)」



James略過Voegelin著作一段內容再讀下去)「And now for the Marxian suppression of questions which we just discussed, it represents as we shall see a very complicated psychological phenomenon and we must isolate each of its components in turn(現在,對於我們剛才討論的馬克思主義對問題的壓制,我們將看到它代表了一種非常複雜的心理現象,我們必須依次分離出它的每個組成部分)」「First the most tangible, here is a thinker who knows his construct will collapse as soon as the basic philosophical question is asked(首先是最具體的,這是一位思想家,他知道一旦基本的哲學問題被問到,他的構想就會崩潰)」「Does this knowledge induce him to abandon his untenable construct? Not in the least. It merely induces him to prohibit such questions(這些知識是否促使他放棄站不住腳的觀念?一點也不。這只是誘使他禁止提出這樣的問題)」「But his prohibition now induces us to ask: Was Marx an intellectual swindler?(但他的禁令現在讓我們不禁要問:馬克思是個知識騙子嗎?)」「Such a question will perhaps give rise to objections(這樣的問題或許會引起反對)」「Can one seriously entertain the idea that the idea of life work of a thinker of considerable rank is based on an intellectual swindle? Could it have attracted a mass following and become a political world power if it rested on a swindle?(人們能認真地接受這樣的觀點:一位相當有地位的思想家畢生工作的觀念是建立在智力騙局的基礎上的嗎?如果靠騙局就能吸引大批追隨者並成為世界政治強權嗎?)」「But we today are a nerd to such scruples. We have seen too many improbable and incredible things that were nonetheless real. Therefore we hesitate neither ask the question that the evidence presses upon us nor to answer: yes Marx was an intellectual swindler.(但今天的我們對這種顧慮卻是個書呆子(nerd在此要怎麼翻),我們見過太多不可思議和難以置信的事情,但它們是真實的,因此,我們既不猶豫地提出證據壓向我們的問題,也不猶豫地回答:是的,馬克思是個知識騙子)」「This is certainly not the last word on Marx. We've already referred to the complexity of the psychological phenomenon behind the passages quoted but it must unrelentingly be the first word if we do not want to obstruct our understanding of the prohibition of questions.(這當然不是對馬克思的定論,我們已經提到了所引用的段落背後的心理現象的複雜性,但如果我們不想妨礙我們對禁止提問的理解,它(馬克思是個知識騙子)就必須毫不留情地成為第一句話)」

Voegelin在此評論了馬克思《Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts》,如果我們接受他的話語,也就是稱馬克思為知識騙子(intellectual swindler),也就是馬克思在自知的情況下蒙混(fudging),而我認為對馬克思以一個神學家而非哲學家來認識是接下來應該做的,也就是在本集播客我們要嘗試做的事

開始朗讀《Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right


我們接下來會看看馬克思在1844年寫的另一作品《Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right》第一句:「For Germany the criticism of religion has been essentially completed and the criticism of religion is the prerequisite of all criticism(對德國來說,對宗教的批判已經基本完成,對宗教的批判是一切批判的前提)」,讓我分析一下這句子,「對宗教的批判已經基本完成」基本是就跟一開始我所說的「正在從前現代時期過渡到現代時期」,我個人不認為對宗教的批判已完成,但是啟蒙運動/理性主義已作出對宗教的批判,所以他看到這個新的科學時代正在離開過去的迷信(superstitions),「對宗教的批判是一切批判的前提」為甚麼會說這句呢,因為教會過去是絕對霸主(absolute hegemon),曾是不止德國而是所有歐洲地區的前現代霸主,當你能推倒(tear down)宗教,你就能推倒任何帶有霸權力量(power of hegemony)的東西,內容接著是「Criticisms can only flourish in a place where you don't have the religious stamping it out. The profane existence of error is compromised as soon as its heavenly speech for the altars and hearths has been refuted.(批評只會在沒有宗教壓制的地方盛行,世俗上錯誤的存在會受到損害一旦那些存在的神聖言論被駁斥)」「Man who has found only the reflection of himself in the fantastic reality of heaven where he sought a superman (meaning god) will no longer feel disposed to find the mere appearance of himself, the non-man, where he seeks and must seek his true reality.(一個人如果在天堂的夢幻現實中曾尋求超人(即上帝)但只找到了自己的倒影,他將不再願意去找那個只是他自己的外表、即「非人」,並且必須尋求他自己的真實)(好難譯)」「The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man.(反對宗教批評的基礎是:人創造了宗教,宗教不創造人)」「Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again.(宗教確實是尚未贏得自我或已經再次迷失自我的人的自我意識和自尊)」這裡我們需了解到馬克思是在創造一個以「人」為中心的神學,宗教對馬克思來說是人還沒意識到或忘記了「man is sufficient in and of himself(人本身就自足,把自己放到宇宙中心)」時把自己納入(subsume)到神(deity)中而神是從你自身想象或社會模式中出來的創造物/構想,內容接著是「But "man" is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is "the world of man" – state, society.(但「人」並不是一個抽象的存在於世界之外的存在。人是「人的世界」──國家、社會)」對馬克思來說把人從宗教拉出來放到國家及社會中就是「人」,內容接著是「This state and this society produce religion, which is an "inverted consciousness of the world", because they are an "inverted world".(這個國家和這個社會產生了宗教,這是一種“顛倒的世界意識”,因為它們是一個“顛倒的世界”)」我們差不多來到靈知派視角了,「神」不是神而是假神、暴君,由人創造出來去奴役自己,而「真正的知識」(gnostic knowledge)揭露了「神」是一種暴虐的構想(tyrannical construct)甚至是(前現代的)惡魔/魔鬼(demon

Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual "point d’honneur", its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the "fantastic realization" of the human essence since the "human essence" has not acquired any true reality.(宗教是這個世界的一般理論,它(這個世界)的百科全書式概要,它的通俗形式的邏輯,它的精神“榮譽點”,它的熱情,它的道德制裁,它的莊嚴補體,以及它的安慰和辯護的普遍基礎。這是人類本質的“幻覺”,因為“人類本質”還沒有獲得任何真實的現實(Pika:還未被實現出來的意思))」「The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle "against that world" whose spiritual "aroma" is religion.(因此,反對宗教的鬥爭間接就是「反對那個世界」的鬥爭,而那個世界的精神「香味」就是宗教)」

"Religious" suffering is, at one and the same time, the "expression" of real suffering and a "protest" against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the "opium" of the people.(“宗教”苦難同時是真實苦難的“表達”,也是對真實苦難的“抗議”。宗教是被壓迫生靈的嘆息,是無情世界的心臟,是無情境遇的靈魂。它是人民的「鴉片」)」這是來自馬克思的一個關鍵概念,當你帶有宗教並受苦時馬克思說的是你創造了一個幻想:神、宗教、目的等等跟你的信仰(faith)連結起來、這些苦難都有意義之類,宗教是被壓迫生靈的嘆息但這令你(被壓迫生靈之一)不想去對壓迫做任何事而是去合理化這壓迫,馬克思視宗教為一種意識形態(ideology)去解釋為甚麼你受到壓迫是合理的並令你不去打倒(overthrow)這壓迫,所以宗教是「鴉片」並令人保持冷靜和平靜

The abolition of religion as the "illusory" happiness of the people is the demand for their "real" happiness.(廢除宗教作為人民「虛幻」的幸福,是人民對「真實」幸福的要求)」即宗教令人假裝開心、覺得有一個好的人生,但那是假的是幻象,而去破除此幻象則等同要求真正更好的人生,「To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to "give up a condition that requires illusions".(呼籲他們放棄對自己處境的幻想,就是呼籲他們「放棄需要幻想的處境」)」即如果我們放棄宗教便會意識到我們受到壓迫並要求不再受到壓迫、我們要自己來解決這個問題,「The criticism of religion is, therefore, "in embryo", "the criticism of that vale of tears" of which religion is the "halo".(因此,對宗教的批評是“處於萌芽狀態的”,是“對淚水之谷的批評”,宗教是“淚水之谷”的“光環”)」

我們現在可以回到最初的那句「對宗教的批判是一切批判的前提」,當你批判宗教你實際上是在拿走人們的神義論(theodicy),並把衣缽(mantle)放到他們身上說你們要自己去打倒(tear down)那壓迫性的社會,而人們要參與(engage in)對壓迫性的社會的批判必須先擺脫(get rid of)宗教因為它是「鴉片」防止人們去採取行動去終結壓迫

Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower.(Pika:就是有詩意地說上一段內容,不翻譯)」「The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun. Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself.(對宗教的批評使人的幻想破滅,使他能夠像一個拋棄了幻想、恢復理智的人一樣思考、行動和塑造他的現實,這樣他就能像自己真正的太陽一樣圍繞著自己運轉。宗教只是虛幻的太陽,只要人們不圍繞自己旋轉,它就會圍繞著人旋轉)」再說一次你必須了解到馬克思是在創造一個以「人」為中心的神學,是說不是你這個「神」而是我這個「人」才是這宇宙的中心及創造者,我(「人」)創造了你這個「神」及宗教並也能創造你這個「神」及宗教保證會來到的國度(the kingdom you promised)或據稱你這個「神」將我們驅逐出的花園(the garden you allegedly expelled us from)(即伊甸園),只要我持有這秘密知識,而馬克思提出的秘密知識被稱為「science」(不翻譯有原因),但這「science」是黑格爾派觀點的「science」(Pika:詳看淺談「Science」(科學)與「Scientism」(科學主義)的分別

It is, therefore, the "task of history", once the "other-world of truth" has vanished, to establish the "truth of this world". It is the immediate "task of philosophy", which is in the service of history, to unmask self-estrangement in its "unholy forms" once the "holy form" of human self-estrangement has been unmasked.(因此,一旦「另一個真理世界」消失,建立「這個世界的真理」就是「歷史的任務」。一旦人類自我異化的“神聖形式”被揭開,揭開自我異化的“邪惡形式”,就是為歷史服務的“哲學的直接任務”)」「Thus, the criticism of Heaven turns into the criticism of Earth, the "criticism of religion" into the "criticism of law", and the "criticism of theology" into the "criticism of politics".(這樣,對天堂的批判就變成了對地球的批判,“宗教的批判”就變成了“法律的批判”,“神學的批判”就變成了“政治的批判”。)」



到底這個「"task of history"(「歷史的任務」)」是甚麼東西呢,要理解這詞必須先理解對馬克思來說「"history"(「歷史」)」是甚麼,「"history"(「歷史」)」是所有人類活動(human activity)互動(interactions)和現象(phonomena)的總和(sum),即是所有「人」作為社會做過的事、由過去到未來,再引用www.marxists.org/glo...:「For Marxists, the agents or "subjects" of history are not focused only on the prominent individuals whose voices speak the aims and consciousness of the masses, nor on masses of people trapped by circumstance, and nor on the ideas which animate people; but specific unities of all three. The "subjects of history" are self-conscious masses of people, whose ideas and aims are inherited from the past and given new form in the voices of individual spokespersons and leaders.(對馬克思主義者來說,歷史的主體或「主體」不僅僅關注那些代表大眾目標和意識的傑出個人,也不僅僅關注受環境所困的大眾,也不關注激勵人們的思想;但三者的具體統一。 「歷史的主體」是有自覺意識的大眾,他們的思想和目標繼承於過去,並在個別發言人和領導人的聲音中被賦予新的形式)」這是十分黑格爾派的東西,對黑格爾來說…(Pika:略過,【長片系列 - Changing Tides Ep. 3】Hegel and the Dialectic | James Lindsay & Michael O'Fallon 的「三位一體」已解說過),(Pika:另一段很長的但大概是說馬克思相信History有六個階段,也是上面連結文章的附加資料有寫的,他認為History最終會「前進」到最後階段因為馬克思主義是宗教)

No one of these three aspects of an historical subject can be active without the others: a mass of people without organisation and without a consciousness of its own demands cannot make history, and nor can a "leader" who does not voice the aspirations of masses.(歷史主體的這三個面向缺一不可:沒有組織、沒有自身要求意識的群眾無法創造歷史,不表達群眾願望的「領導者」也無法創造歷史)」所以對馬克思主義來說必須有這兩樣東西:一個組織為某群組的壓迫發聲及提出要求來創造History、一個領導人但他必須反映群組的聲音

The subjects of history are not the "forces of production" nor the "laws of history," but instead people make history always acting under certain material and spiritual conditions. It is these conditions and how people sought to change them which give meaning to the stories that are told in history.(歷史的主體不是“生產力”,也不是“歷史規律”,而是人們總是在一定的物質和精神條件下創造歷史。正是這些條件以及人們如何尋求改變它們,才賦予了歷史上所講述的故事意義)」對馬克思來說,你(「人」)終將成為History的主體,另一稱呼是「社會人」(social man)或「社會主義人」(socialist man),而(該神學的)客體是History本身,該神學研究「人」如何令History展開(unfold)並相互地創造「人」,他們叫這做「inversion of praxis」(實踐的倒置),History的主體是了解他們自身狀況、那些狀況如何發生、為何它們具有壓迫性、及他們如何改變條件趨向「解放」,History的主體的較現代稱呼是「change agents」(變革推動者),History對馬克思主義來說是由「有意識的人們」(conscious people)創造出來的變化軌跡(trajectory of change








對馬克思來說「mankind has bootstrapped itself into the status of creator」(人類已經將自己帶入了創造者的地位),而「人」、比動物更高(高等?)、沒有天使或神、身處創造的頂峰(pinnacle of creation),人如何達到那個狀態?這就是work的神聖方面:真正(authentic)的work,就如把樹砍倒再把木材變成桌子,「人」創造一個更人性化(humanized)的世界而在那人性化的世界中「人」看到自己,不同於labor因為labor是別人讓你做的,也不同於activity那是動物做的,馬克思主義神學令work變得神聖,而the division of labor(分工)因此變成本質上是邪惡,而activity例如進食之類滿足基本需求的只是動物性(animalistic),分工即例如某人做老闆搞公司之類就是人的墮落(the fall of man),把人從primitive communism(原始共產主義、History第一階段)踢出來,而History的「終點」即最後階段Communism=共產主義就是世上只有一個花園、所有人都在裡面、而且沒有任何分工,而人則是一個「正在成為」的實體(becoming entity),目標是成為一個完全有意識(fully conscious)的「社會人」(social man),其特征是不再相信分工、廢除(abolish)了一切意識形態(ideology)及幻想(fantasy),並作為一個真正自由和獨立的人生活(living as a truly free and independent being



(接上面略過一小段郎讀)馬克思視production(生產?)及production的產出物(outputs)為由神聖工作(sacred work)(上面已提過為何work是神聖)生產神聖物體(sacred objects),它產生一個不同及新種類(different and new kind of)的「人」,而在History的最後階段Communism=共產主義「人」可被完善為完美的社會實體(perfect social entities),所以馬克思主義本體論(Marxist Ontology)中對「人」的觀點是它是不完整/未完成的(incomplete)及可被完善的(completable),而history這個工程(project,譯專案的話怪怪的)就是一個由能創造「人」的「人」去完善「人」的工程,而「有意識的人們」(conscious people)意識到他們正在創造history、正在改變處境(conditions)並因此正在改變「人」,令「人」趨向接近/成為「社會人」(social man




「人」透過work創造history並在完善「人」成為「社會人」(social man)或「社會主義人」(socialist man)也就是共產主義者(communist)並令社會成為共產主義者社會也即是「人」和社會都可一直持續下去(co-continuous),而work並非activity也非laborwork是把「人」的vision(遠見/想象?)帶到世界中,並從被改變的世界中看到自己,「人」透過兩點在精神上改進(spritually elevate)自己:進行work及令自己周遭世界「人性化」(周遭世界就像鏡子反映自身),所以令世界「人性化」就是令「人」「人性化」,而終點就是要創造花園(伊甸園),這個以work為中心的神學的觀點是:我作為「人」創造了社會、所以我有創造力、所以我是創造者,而「人」望看他的創造物並認為它們是好的,也因此透過創造物看到自己並認為自己是好的(Pika:聖經創世紀1:31有「神看他所造的一切都很好」,翻譯時剛想到)



甚麼是Good(好)?對馬克思主義來說(引用www.marxists.org/glo...Good就是當主體(人)嘗試把世界塑造(mold)成他自己想象中的模樣,這是很關鍵也很難明白的,很多知識分子在這裡搞混了,他們的認識是有一個客觀世界在外而人透過感官接收資訊並作出反應,但在主觀主義觀點中這完全不是這一回事,要是以客觀主義角度來闡釋(interpret)主觀主義的東西你會迷失其中或得出錯誤理解,主觀主義觀點是外面沒有一個世界而只有你的主觀意識而這意識在創造世界,有點像是那種「人無法得知自己是否在某種像Matrix(22世紀殺人網絡/駭客任務)的虛擬實境中」(後面一堆黑格爾,略過~)(跳到1:18:16)所以共產主義的象徵 - 鐮刀錘頭是一個宗教象徵,象徵以有生產性的work改變世界令其趨向共產主義烏托邦,也就是重回伊甸園,所以你必須進行work,因為work makes freework創造「自由」),因為work會最終令人意識到自己是「自由」的(因為「人」是創造者),而這叫作實踐(praxis,有興趣去看www.marxists.org/glo...)(後面一段郎讀Paolo Ferrari的著作,略過~)

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts》小知識


Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts》是在1844年寫的,但要等到1932年才被出版,所以它對蘇聯有多少影響實在未知(不知道誰有這著作),到1932年時Frankfurt School(法蘭克福學派)開始興起、Neo-Marxist(新馬克思主義者)也開始讀這著作




又回到《Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts》看看馬克思如果解釋being in existence(存在?)和Creation(創世):「A "being" only considers himself independent when he stands on his own feet(一個「存在」只有在自己站穩腳步時才認為自己是獨立的)」「and he only stands on his own feet when he owes his "existence" to himself(只有當他將自己的「存在」歸功於自己時,他才能站穩腳跟)」所以我們不能成為「神的子女」因為那樣我們就不能「自己站穩腳步」,「神」這東西必須被拋棄,「神是創造者」這句話在馬克思主義中必然被視為謊言
A man who lives by the grace of another regards himself as a dependent being(一個依靠他人的恩典而生活的人將自己視為一個依賴他人的人)」即是如果你依靠神的恩典你就是一個依賴神的人
But I live completely by the grace of another if I owe him not only the maintenance of my life, but if he has, moreover, "created" my "life" – if he is the "source" of my life(但如果我不僅欠他維持我的生命,而且如果他“創造”了我的“生命”——如果他是我生命的“源泉”,那麼我就完全靠另一個人的恩典而生活)」「When it is not of my own creation, my life has necessarily a source of this kind outside of it(當它不是我自己創造的時候,我的生命必然有這樣的外在來源)」「The "Creation" is therefore an idea very difficult to dislodge from popular consciousness(因此,「創造」是一個很難從大眾意識中去除的想法)」「The fact that nature and man exist on their own account is "incomprehensible" to it, because it contradicts everything "tangible" in practical life(自然和人單獨存在這一事實對其來說是“不可理解的”,因為它與現實生活中一切“有形”的事物相矛盾)」「The creation of the "earth" has received a mighty blow from "geognosy" – i.e., from the science which presents the formation of the earth, the development of the earth, as a process, as a self-generation. "Generatio aequivoca" is the only practical refutation of the theory of creation.(「地球」的創造受到了「地理學」的巨大打擊——即,來自將地球的形成、地球的發展呈現為一個過程、作為一個自我生成的科學。 「Genratio aequivoca」是對創造理論的唯一實際反駁)」Genratio aequivoca是指世界創造了自己

Now it is certainly easy to say to the single individual what Aristotle has already said: You have been begotten by your father and your mother; therefore in you the mating of two human beings – a species-act of human beings – has produced the human being(現在,要向個人說出亞里斯多德所說的話當然很容易:你是由你的父親和你的母親所生的;你是由你的父親和你的母親所生的;你是由你的父親和你的母親所生的;因此,在你身上,兩個人的交配──人類的物種行為──產生了人類)」「You see, therefore, that even physically man owes his existence to man. Therefore you must not only keep sight of the "one" aspect – the "infinite" progression which leads you further to inquire: Who begot my father? Who his grandfather? etc.(因此,你會看到,即使是肉體上的人,他的存在也歸功於人。因此,你不能只專注在「一」方面:那引導你進一步追問的"無限"進程:誰生了我的父親?他的祖父是誰?等等)」「You must also hold on to the "circular movement" sensuously perceptible in that progress by which man repeats himself in procreation, "man" thus always remaining the subject(你也必須堅持在人類繁衍過程中可感知的“循環運動”,因此“人”始終是主體)」他很明顯不明白演化(evolution),「You will reply, however: I grant you this circular movement; now grant me the progress which drives me ever further until I ask: Who begot the first man, and nature as a whole?(然而,你會回答:我同意你這個“循環運動”;現在請同意我問:誰創造了第一個人類和整個自然?)」「I can only answer you: Your question is itself a product of abstraction. Ask yourself how you arrived at that question. Ask yourself whether your question is not posed from a standpoint to which I cannot reply, because it is wrongly put. Ask yourself whether that progress as such exists for a reasonable mind. When you ask about the creation of nature and man, you are abstracting, in so doing, from man and nature. You postulate them as "non-existent", and yet you want me to prove them to you as "existing". Now I say to you: Give up your abstraction and you will also give up your question. Or if you want to hold on to your abstraction, then be consistent, and if you think of man and nature as "non-existent", then think of yourself as non-existent, for you too are surely nature and man. Don’t think, don’t ask me, for as soon as you think and ask, your "abstraction" from the existence of nature and man has no meaning. Or are you such an egotist that you conceive everything as nothing, and yet want yourself to exist?(我只能回答你:你的問題本身就是一個抽象的產物。問問自己你是如何得出這個問題的。問問自己,你的問題是否是從我無法回答的角度提出的,因為它是錯的。問問自己,對於一個理性的頭腦來說,這種"無限"進程是否存在。當你詢問自然和人類的創造時,你實際上是從人類和自然中抽像出來的。你假設它們不存在,但你卻想讓我向你證明它們存在。現在我對你說:放棄你的抽象,你也就放棄了你的問題。或者,如果你想堅持你的抽象,那就保持一致,如果你認為人和自然不存在,然後認為自己不存在,因為你當然也是自然和人。不要思考,不要問我,因為一旦你思考和詢問,你對自然和人類存在的抽象就沒有任何意義。還是你是如此自負的人,你把一切都視為虛無,卻又希望自己存在?)」(Pika:馬克思是不是忘記有種東西叫時間)這裡就是Voegelin指控馬克思為知識騙子(intellectual swindler)因為他迴避(sidestep)這一本體論的根本問題,你看到十分馬克思風格的「不要問」及「你是如此自負的人」,基本上就是不要問否則就是你有問題

You can reply: I do not want to postulate the nothingness of nature, etc. I ask you about its "genesis", just as I ask the anatomist about the formation of bones, etc.(你可以回答:我不想假設自然的虛無等。 我問你它的“起源”,就像我問解剖學家關於骨骼的形成等)」「But since for the socialist man the "entire so-called history of the world" is nothing but the creation of man through human labour, nothing but the emergence of nature for man, so he has the visible, irrefutable proof of his "birth" through himself, of his "genesis"(但由於對社會主義人來說,"整個所謂的世界歷史"不過是人類透過勞動創造「人」(Pika:不知為甚麼這裡是用labour而非work),只不過是emergence of nature for man(對人來說自然界的出現?),所以他有可見的、無可辯駁的證據來證明他的”誕生”透過他自己,他的“起源”)(Pika:好難譯)」「Since the "real existence" of man and nature has become evident in practice, through sense experience, because man has thus become evident for man as the being of nature, and nature for man as the being of man, the question about an "alien" being, about a being above nature and man – a question which implies the admission of the unreality of nature and of man – has become impossible in practice(由於人與自然的「真實存在」在實踐中透過感官體驗變得顯而易見,因為人因此變得明顯對於人來說是自然的存在,自然對於人來說是人的存在,因此關於「外在存在」的問題存在,關於超越自然和人類的存在——這個問題意味著承認自然和人類的非現實性——在實踐中已經變得不可能)」「"Atheism", as the denial of this unreality, has no longer any meaning, for atheism is a "negation of God", and postulates "the existence of man" through this negation; but socialism as socialism no longer stands in any need of such a mediation(“無神論”作為對這種不真實性的否定,不再具有任何意義,因為無神論是“對上帝的否定”,並通過這種否定來假定“人的存在”;但作為社會主義的社會主義不再需要這樣的調解)」「It proceeds from the "theoretically and practically sensuous consciousness" of man and of nature as the "essence"(它源自於人類和自然作為“本質”的“理論上和實踐上的感性意識”)」「Socialism is man’s "positive self-consciousness", no longer mediated through the abolition of religion, just as "real life" is man’s positive reality, no longer mediated through the abolition of private property, through "communism"(社會主義是人的“積極的自我意識”,不再通過廢除宗教來調解,就像“現實生活”是人的積極現實,不再通過廢除私有財產,通過“共產主義”來調解一樣)」「Communism is the position as the negation of the negation, and is hence the "actual" phase necessary for the next stage of historical development in the process of human emancipation and rehabilitation(共產主義是否定之否定的立場,因此是人類解放和復興過程中下一階段歷史發展所必須的「實際」階段)」「"Communism" is the necessary form and the dynamic principle of the immediate future, but communism as such is not the goal of human development, the form of human society(「共產主義」是近期的必然形式和動力原則,但共產主義本身並不是人類發展的目標,不是人類社會的形式)」對馬克思來說「人」透過創造history來創造「人」,要成為「社會人」(social man)(完美「人」)必須先意識到他的「獨立性」即從「神」獨立甚至從「父母」獨立




Ideology(思想體系)對馬克思來說是一堆辯解(set of justifications)去正當化人們去做一些沒有生產性的事情尤其是讓別人為他們勞動,例如神父創造有「神」的思想體系及宗教來讓別人餵飽他們,同樣的思考模式也可被用在律師及法律上
對馬克思主義者來說practice(實踐)是必須對應theory(理論),work是人在意識中先創造一件東西出來而馬克思說「那東西已存在」然後人把那東西放到世界中並意識到自己的創造力並…(後面小部分跟上面重覆故略過),practice(實踐)與theory(理論)不能分開,所以能被當作practicework必須與理論相協調(in coordination with theory)而theory(理論)是指馬克思主義理論




馬克思主義的這個主觀主義觀點有個大問題而它很簡單:世界上有其他人(除了你),你有自己對「世界」的主觀觀點並把它帶到「世界」中但我在同樣做一樣東西,你我不一定有一樣的觀點,還有是如果一人隨便指一樣東西例如樹並讓各人各自形容它,眾人會得出同樣的東西(描述不盡相同但大約相同),所以這種主觀主義哲學的一大問題是有其他人持有其他觀點,馬克思主義最大的問題和最大的罪過(sin)是有人想剝削(exploit)他人例如聘請他人來把自己的意識中的「已存在的」東西帶到世界上,這是把「人」的workpractice降級(reduce)成labor因為被聘人是在與聘請者的遠見/想象/theory(理論)相協調來作出activity,所以要解決這問題就要所有人都有同樣的theory(理論)來防止有人想剝削 = 製造更多labor而非work,而要令正當化labor又要再製造Ideology(思想體系)(Pika:即是又重來一次前面那堆宗教甚麼的),這使得共產主義必須成為一個所有人都採納(adopt)的同一個觀點/意識,否則馬克思主義就行不通




馬克思對Ideology(思想體系)的理解是所有對統治(domination)或等級制度(hierarchy)的系統性正當化或division of labor(分工)都是思想體系,都是人們為正當化自己參與等級制度而非equalize downward to the level of production(向下均等至生產的層面)(Pika:大概是放棄等級制度回去生產=做有生產力的work的意思吧),所以Soviet(蘇聯)或毛澤東或歷史上所有失敗了的共產主義實驗都可以被稱為「Real Communism hasn't been tried(真正的共產主義還沒有被嘗試過)」,因為那些取得權力的人最後還是重現了統治,因為那些人不是真正的「社會人」(social man

(略過一段,內容包括aufheben(德文-揚棄)詳看【長片系列 - Changing Tides Ep. 3】Hegel and the Dialectic | James Lindsay & Michael O'Fallon,還提過Star TrekBorg,原句是Borg like hive mind



Gulag(勞改營)不是一個監獄,而是一個你被送去再教育成社會主義者的地方,而如果你不能被再教育那就會被肅清(liquidated),因為所有活著的人都必須是「社會人」(social man)否則共產主義這項目就行不通,但如果這項目行不通我們就永無自由(馬克思主義那種)、永遠被統治,這就是殺死數以億人的矛盾,除非我們完全迴避(eschew)這一神學,將會數以億更多人會被殺,因為所有活著的人都必須是「社會人」我們才能得到自由但那時所有人都必須被「需要作為社會人活著」此要求奴役(enslave



對馬克思主義來說如何應對這矛盾呢?(引用www.marxists.org/glo...)「Since contradictions are a natural part of the real world, Marxists understand that planned contradictions in theory is a strength, while most philosophers see contradictions as the breaking of the system(由於矛盾是現實世界的自然組成部分,馬克思主義者認為理論上有計劃的矛盾是一種力量,而大多數哲學家則將矛盾視為體系的破壞)」但他們實際上不知道如何令所有人「自願地」成為「社會人」,所以毛澤東會說「槍桿子裡面出政權」、人們需要被再教育、被肅清等,要是不能被再教育那你一定是有缺陷的(defective)跟動物無分別,那矛盾不是共產主義有問題而是實踐的人想不到如何付諸實踐(put it into practice)、到達所有人「自願地」成為「社會人」的那一點

(略過一段)馬克思主義就是一個hive mind(蜂巢式思考)的宗教,在到達History最後階段前「社會人」的work就是去產生更多「社會人」,所以他們做的事全都是consciousness raising(提高意識?讓人「覺醒」?),Critical Race Theory(批判性種族理論)做的就是製造更多CRT的人因為他們就是種族版本的「社會人」



(引用www.marxists.org/glo...)「Truth is usually taken to mean correspondence of an idea to the world outside thought(真理通常被認為是指一個想法與思想之外的世界的對應關係)」這就是我們之前說一棵樹的那個例子「However, following Hegel, Marxists take truth to be something that may be said of a social formation or social practice itself(然而,跟隨黑格爾,馬克思主義者將真理視為一種社會形式或社會實踐本身)」「The truth of a social practice is always relative, since, as Goethe said: “All that exists deserves to perish” – sooner or later, everything turns out to be false(社會實踐的真理總是相對的,因為正如歌德所說:「一切存在都應該滅亡」-遲早,一切都會被證明是錯的)」「Some philosophical currents believe that the truth of an idea can be established by logical deduction from “clear ideas”(一些哲學流派認為,一個想法的真實性可以透過「清晰的想法」的邏輯演繹來確定)」「In general, each current has its characteristic criterion of truth: for Rationalism it is Reason; for Empiricism it is Observation and Experiment; Pragmatism makes practice the criterion of truth, but like Empiricism, pragmatism knows only immediate, individual action and misses the cultural and historical content of social practice(一般來說,每種潮流都有其特有的真理標準:對理性主義來說,它是理性;對經驗主義來說,它是觀察和實驗;實用主義以實踐作為真理的標準,但與經驗主義一樣,實用主義只知道眼前的、個人的行動,而忽略了社會實踐的文化和歷史內容)」即是馬克思主義的認識論(epistemology)就是馬克思主義的實踐,如果可行那就是真理,實踐馬克思主義的就是「真」,實踐跟馬克思主義無關/反對的就是「假」,「真實」(Truth)是指能推進馬克思主義的東西(Pika:馬克思主義的歧義字也太多),例子有Herbert Marcuse說的false conscience(虛假的意識)



(略過一段)「歷史處境」(例如資本主義)限制人能意識到的東西,馬克思主義者視他們自己為走左歷史前端的人,並帶領人們透過「提升意識」「向前走」,所以這令他們:一、on the right side of history(在歷史對的一方)、二、比其他人都優越(superior)、三、正當化他們最終殺掉人們因為那些人們妨礙(hinder)「歷史進程」


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