Mythos Lullaby - Kosmos Flatland (Part III)
Thereby contributing To the Enlargment of THE IMAGINATION (Φαντασία) And the possible Development Of that most and excellent Gift of MODESTY…

Mythos Lullaby - Kosmos Flatland (Part II)
A-Square condensed the gospel into a single phrase: "Upward, not Northward!" The revelation described a new dimension in a direction called …

Mythos Lullaby - Kosmos Flatland (Part I)
As to the doctrine of the Circles it may briefly be summed up in a single maxim, “Attend to your Configuration.”

Why do so many Chinese students not study math
There was once a joke that a Chinese elementary school student could skillfully tell you that 3+4=7, and a French elementary school student ...
Математическая криптопритча
Ходил пользователь по криптопроектам. Было у него тридцать монет. Переводил он их как-то через мост. И тут дергает его чёртик за рукав и гов...

勾股定理证明和求解算法--- List of All Tutorial Videos ---Post: Teaching Kids Programming - Pythagorean Theorem and Algorithm to Find Pythagorean Numbers
Grammar of Science-Important points of all chapters
Grammar of ScienceChapter I"Introductory - The Scope and Method of Science"The scope of science is to ascertain truth in every possible branch of knowledge.