Behind the Scenes: A Look at Mechatron's Engineering Team
Mechatron, a leading player in engineering and technology, owes a significant portion of its success to its dedicated engineering team.
WorldSkills(Mechatronics) - Lesson 2 [Pneumatic system]
Banner for worldskills mechatronicsLesson 2: Characteristic of pneumatic system and Cascade Method2.1 Pneumatic system Pneumatic components 即係氣動組件,係靠俾氣產生壓力而推動。
WorldSkills(Mechatronics) - Introduction & Lesson 1
Banner for MechatronicsIntroduction上年(2019)喺IG advertisement 見到一個叫「世界技能大賽」嘅活動,當中有一個比賽項目叫「機電一體化」嘅項目,而我個major 就係mechatronic Engineering(機電一體化工程學),本住學嘢嘅心態就試下去玩。