What Are The Benefits Of POS System In Hospitality?
In a competitive restaurant industry, it is crucial to focus on every aspect. To help with such a situation, you need a management and service tool.

Do we need a point of sale system in our retail store?
The POS system gives you better control over the entire business operation.

【書】Retail Therapy《實體店之死與復活》
要如何讓垂死的實體店起死回生。零售業的衰退是近幾年來非常明顯的趨勢,電子商務的興起更是對為數眾多的實體店打下沉重的一擊。本書共分成三個方向說明零售實體店的興衰:描述現況、說明成因、最後則提出改善的解方。描述現況當我們談到零售業,一般會想到批發零售,像是 Costco、家樂福或是...