#行走的五万——☠虛噬罐頭☠地域的單向通信☎I am Atomic☄

I see the light that ends my life.
Mr. Nobody

You know I am getting tired of playing as your shadow.

"Get your own life." You said. So I go.

Those fascinating traffic lights made my eyes blind, so I accidentally had a car accident and live a new life in a world without you.

Me and my seven shadows in a separate minds, one of them also told me in a familiar but disgusting tone as you've once said.

"I am getting lost in a world that only excludes you." I talked to myself; nevertheless, my shadow Angelica responded me that "That is not true, you are getting lost only because you can not getting used to get along with you and your mate--which is also you by the way."

"You don't know your name in Mandarin means 'DangGue' , right. " I spoke in a mindless way.

"That ginger-like thing." Angelica replied, "That is horrible."

"You know you will always be my mate." The other shadow Tony said.

"I consider me a girl, but thank you."

"You know I might have an accent, but it is 'mate' but not 'man'." Said Tony.

"Hush." Cecilia let out a whisper.

The nightingale sang in a sorrowful voice, so sad is its voice that five groundhogs made up their mind to dug their grave immediately in no time.

"Remember the first time we realize we can all use 'I am Atomic' ?"Jay spoke to the hollow sky.

"Oh man it is classic!" Roy replied in an exciting voice.

"OKAY, okay. First time?" Angelica used a sarcastic way to mimic.

"We lost the parts of regretful us, just to look ahead." Wlide my shadow suddenly let out a sigh.

"I am glad we here have a poet among us." I said.

"You determine my destiny plus my name." Wilde stared at me.

"Sorry my friend, I mean no offense." A thought escaped from my mind make me missing to catch the meaning of what Wilde was aiming to explain.

"We love you and hate you as you might do to us, and you and your shadows play no lies but prefer to speaking in a direct way." Tony concluded.

"Y'all are my treasure."

"But I won't show you my box" Angelica emphasized the box in a serious low key.

"Okay I think someone needs to go to bed."

"Just kidding, my mate."

"Says DangGue"

"Way too much." Roy stood up and sent the nightingale a charming wink.



CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


NEko一個有自覺的ThaiOne自由媒體寫作者,致力於讀書反思、運用大學時期學會的critical thinking進行媒體識讀與文化議題思辨,嗜聽樂團音樂,熱愛K-POP和各類形象鮮明的創作文化。 喜歡謎因,願望是每天活得像梗圖GIF,祈禱下一次GIJOE出片還能跟到首播。
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