the GG show 第七集:Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country - 🇹🇭 Thailand & Eswatini 🇸🇿 (P3)
Episode 07 in the GG show on Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country - Thailand & Eswatini part3
請大家多多支持和鼓勵訂閱這一份電子報:每一天的生活 Daily Michelle
Podcast hosting: Firstory
這是最後一場次了,這主題 Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country。 原本應該有三個場次,七個國家八個人,但是後來因為許多因素包含這一個台灣的疫情爆發,所以只安排了上一場次的貝里斯還有越南 (part 1 和 part 2),這一場次的泰國和史瓦帝尼就算是最後一個場次了。同樣也是分為上下集,算是這一系列的part 3 和 part 4。
回顧 Catch-up: 貝里斯 Belize and 越南 Vietnam (part 1 and part 2)
In this series, “Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country”, we appreciated having Tan (Thailand) and Bongani (Eswatini) join in the discussion. Bongani arrived in Taiwan to start his Ph.D. study in September 2019, which made him away from home where many beloved relatives and friends died because of Covid-19. Bongani didn’t experience the outbreak in Eswatini but now he is together with all Taiwanese people experiencing this wave of community outbreak in Taiwan. Tan luckily to go back to Thailand to visit his parents at the end of 2020, that he experienced a 14-days quarantine on both sides of Thailand and also Taiwan. Coincidently, this wave of Covid-19 strikes Asia, not only in Thailand but also in Taiwan, around the same time. Let us listen to what they are observing here in Taiwan and also share their understanding from their own countries.
這一系列,”Covid-19 pandemic in me and in my home country”,我們很高興能夠繼續邀請到泰國的Tan還有史瓦帝尼的Bongani!Bongani在2019年的九月來到台灣,重新開始他的博士班就讀,剛好讓他完全避開史瓦帝尼國家內的疫情越發嚴重,並且我們也發現他在台灣的同時,許多他親近的家人和朋友也因為新冠肺炎而過世。Tan很幸運的,還能夠回去泰國曼谷探望他的父母親,同時具有兩邊泰國和台灣的14天居家檢疫的親身體驗。很剛好的,這一波新冠肺炎的疫情,在亞洲差不多同時捲起了各國的疫情爆發 (四月/五月)!

1st-3rd waves of Thai Pandemic on media (Following ordered links)
Policy to tackle Thai Pandemic
We would like to know how do you feel about this episode! Should there be any comments or suggestions, we are happy to receive them. Thank you.
主持人Host:Ms. GG
邀請貴賓Inivted Guests:Tan and Bongani
錄製日期時間Rocording Date/Time:2021.05.25 下午 06:00 ~ 08:00pm
訪問大綱 Interview Guide:
01. Could you please introduce yourself and where you from?
02. For the past year, where were you? what did you do? and what happened to this world? how did you feel?
03. How is the situation now in your mother country? could you please briefly take us to your country's story from when Covid-19's first strike, what did it do?
04. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible and you may briefly tell the audience what the news report about in the recording) about the severity of Covid-19 spreading in your home country.
- it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording.
05. Please provide THREE news reports (better in English if possible) about how the government's act and strategy to flatten the curve.
- it would be very appreciated if you could provide these news reports to the host before the recording.
06. Specifically on the Vaccination Roll-out, please tell us what is the ongoing plan in your home country.
錄音編輯後製Editing:Medusa (基本上就是頭尾,但牠很混怒現在)
音樂版權Music Authorization:Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa -

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