How does a blockchain work - Simply Explained
What is a blockchain and how do they work?I’ll explain why blockchains are so special in simple and plain English!💌 Sign up for Simply Ex...
Zero Knowledge Proof - ZKP
Protecting your online privacy could become a lot easier with Zero Knowledge Proof. A technique that allows you to prove things without dis...
Blockchain Technology and the future: Should one start learning now?
Blockchain is a paradigm shift in the fourth industrial revolution. It has fueled the process by a massive margin. In the coming future, yo...
[Ted Talks] How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale
😌痛點: 1.學習外語 😃**如何解決:** 參考影片: [ How to learn any language in six months Chris Lonsdale TEDxLingnanUniversity - YouTube](

當我們在學習某件事情的時候,大腦會處理五官所接收到的訊息跟資訊。不管是學校教師、指導新人的職場前輩,如果能夠協助對方大腦進行學習內容的處理,在大多數情況下,可以提高達到教學或學習目標的機會(不過凡事總還是有例外 XD)。這裡介紹一下在教育界常提到的經典 Gagne's Nine ...