Gentext Art、Typed Art 是否正在興起一波新的文學NFT創作浪潮?
從fxhash上的AI poem作品熱賣,到GenText Art藝廊,看出背後是一整個文學生態鏈的社群興建活動,這是文學NFT的創作新契機,也是web3.0的文藝復興。



Sentimental Nostalgia
Happens, Does not Heal tho
Before Halley Comes Back
My aloe blooms/Express from the you insideExplore new placeExpand as much as you can afford/・Do it when youngDo it before the next Halley vi...

解析火遍全球英詩【未經之路 The Road Not Taken】人生分岔點充滿無限可能
風靡全球的英文詩作【未擇之路The Road Not Taken】探討「選擇的複雜矛盾心境、信念與決心」,詩含義雋永而餘韻無窮,表面描述旅人面對岔路躊躇不決,實際上卻暗喻人生道路是靠自己決定,有得才有失,有捨才能得。每一個人都能從這首詩中受到觸動,獻給曾經面對抉擇或是現在陷入迷惘的你,是你的話會選擇哪一條路呢?

My Hallucinating Philosophy: Stress Relief
My blue Monday decided to stay with meSo I kept eatingTrying to yank him away Stuffing myself the whole afternoonBowl of noodle French...