

昨天狠狠摔了一跤,從床角一邊以完美轉體三週半著陸到另一角,額頭痛、手掌痛⋯⋯甚是徬徨。突然想起了一天前剛剛讀完的《The Fall》。從來對Camus念念不忘,但是這樣「切題」的回應方式還真是第一次。



I didn't know that freedom is not a reward or a decoration that you toast in champagne. Nor is it a gift, a box of delicacies which will make your mouth water. Oh no! On the contrary, it's hard graft and a long-distance run, all alone, very exhausting. No champagne, no friends raising their glasses and looking affectionately at you. Alone in a dreary room, alone in the dock before the judges, and alone to make up your mind, before yourself and before the judgement of others. 83
Yes, in this world one can make war, play at love, torture one's fellow man, show off in the newspapers or merely speak ill of one's neighbour while knitting. But in some cases carrying on, just carrying on, is the superhuman achievement. 71
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