我翻譯世界 | 宋子江 《自噬之花》
去年在序言書市買了宋子江 | Chris Song的《自噬之花 | mirror me》,一直沒讀完。
初初讀的時候覺得他的詩和翻譯很好讀。詩集的英文名 mirror me 取得亦好,他不用內文已翻就的 suicide flower 而用了 mirror me。對宋來說,譯詩是「映出本然」,而譯文亦是「我之鏡像 」,畢竟詩集裡的詩和大部分譯文都出自他手筆。
書名《自噬之花》是書中的一首詩,宋將其獻給Steven Schroeder。
自噬之花 致Steven Schroeder | Suicide flower for Steven Schroeder
眼皮撐起困倦 | heavy eyelids resist sleep 甚至看不見 | I can't see 夜 | the night 或許黃昏變成鴉聲? | perhaps dusk has turned into a crow's cry 失語使你難受 | wordless makes you uneasy 你忠於 | you remain truthful to 芝加哥的早晨 | Chicago's dawn 也忠於 | and Texas's thingness 德克薩斯州的無物之無 | of nothingness 你把它們調成自殺色 | and mixed them into suicidal colours 藝 | art- 術 | work 我們想到這個詞 | we think of this word 你拒絕烏鴉和溝渠 | you reject crows and ditches 用手術刀輕輕割開黑夜 | use a scalpel | to cut open the night 窺探它的傷口 | peer into its wound 看它在深處綻放出 | and see its depth blossoming 自噬之花 | into a suicide flower 你的畫筆 | your paintbrush 把我帶上色彩過山車 | brings me to the roller coaster | of colours 走在詞語的鐵軌上 | running on the rails of words 卻沒有安全帶 | without safety belts
帶著這些疑問,我去找了Steven Schroeder的畫來看。

這張nothing but nothing我把它譯成 「無與無所有」,真的「無」的話,也就無畫了吧。

Steven Schroeder的畫用色大膽,濃的淡的畫,顏色的對比都很強烈。我不懂畫,但自己亂畫時也喜歡藍黃的搭配,所以一看到他的畫就很有感。實在喜歡他的用色。
看到這裡,也許什麼是色彩過山車,自噬之花,詞語的鐵軌不重要。重要的是,看Steven Schroeder的畫記得要綁安全帶(咦?)
恩,還是看看Steven Schroeder是如何形容自己的畫吧
I often find myself spending as much time on what is not there as on what is. This usually means focusing on a single image and letting the whole composition spring up around it — not a narrative but an all at once that evokes a here and now that is, here, now, neither.
好難翻。能不能求教於@fide? (不要有壓力,有時間才來一起挑戰看看......)
Steven Schroeder說,他想同時畫出此時此地與彼時他方,既畫出表象,又畫出表象以外的事物。宋說Steven的畫筆猶如手術刀,輕輕的劃破黑夜,看見了傷口深處綻放的自噬之花。宋懂他。
另外也節錄我喜歡的《新墟》 | New market
車流過,塞一陣,回流,再塞一陣 塞着塞着,就變成了人 Cars stream and jam; come back only to jam again. When they are jammed, they become people. 人行道不分左右,要對抗一切 迎面而來的人,又不得不隨波逐流 The sidewalks disregard the direction of traffic. I walk into the people streaming towards me, but sometimes I have to 人走進時尚的剪裁,要剪掉潮流? 巴黎倫敦米蘭紐約八卦茶葉蛋 stream along. People are wearing fashionable cuttings where fashion is cut off. Paris, London, New York, Milan 飛蠅在小食鋪間往復流連。一小節滯塞 怎樣再去消化無形的矛盾?慢慢抬起頭 gossip, tea eggs. People are like flies lingering around foodstalls. How do our jammed stomach digest more conflicts? I decide 停下腳步,學做一塊擋著流水的卵石 讓陌生的膊頭沖刷。側身摩擦,死人頭 to stop streaming and stand against the currents of shoulders and elbows. Someone turns back, "Piss off!", …… 人流過,塞一陣,回流,再塞一陣 塞着塞着,就變成了車 People stream and jam, come back only to jam again. When they are jammed, they become cars.
其實,就算是作者本身翻譯自己的詩,也不一定能完全做到「信」和「達」,為了行文方便,多少會有lost in translation的情況。
人行道不分左右,要對抗一切 The sidewalks disregard the direction of traffic.
英文的譯法是 「人行道要對抗一切,不分左右」。當然左和右可以有更多的指涉。而「對抗」是比較剛烈的詞,換成英文變成了「無視」。
人走進時尚的剪裁,要剪掉潮流? People are wearing fashionable cuttings where fashion is cut off.
「要剪掉潮流?」是rhetorical question, 語氣婉轉些。而英文譯文的語氣卻是斬釘截鐵的,中文的觀察和質疑於是變成了事實的陳述。譯文選擇保留詩意與句子的簡潔,犧牲掉語氣。 相較之下,讀英文暢快些。
巴黎倫敦米蘭紐約八卦茶葉蛋 Paris, London, New York, Milan 飛蠅在小食鋪間往復流連。 gossip, tea eggs. People are like flies lingering around foodstalls.
(恩,小食鋪自然是想吸引人而非蠅蟲的。是我沒看出來,感謝譯文 畫公仔畫出腸)